We Are Coming to an End

Dear Writers, Readers, and Friends,

After nearly a decade of storytelling, community building, and celebrating the unique art of microfiction, it is with a heavy heart that I announce the closure of Microfiction Monday Magazine.

This decision was not made lightly. It comes after much contemplation and realization that, due to various circumstances, we can no longer sustain the magazine at the level of quality and dedication it deserves. It’s been a journey filled with incredible tales, inspiring authors, and invaluable lessons. However, all stories, no matter how brief, have their conclusion, and for Microfiction Monday Magazine, that time has come.

Submissions and Feedback:

We understand that many of you have submitted your work and have been waiting for a response. We deeply regret that we won’t be able to proceed with our usual review process. If you have not heard back from us regarding your submission, please assume that it is no longer under consideration. We encourage you to continue sharing your stories elsewhere, as the world always needs more storytellers.


Our heartfelt thanks go to every writer who trusted us with their stories, every reader who joined us week after week, and everyone who has been part of our journey.

Though the magazine is coming to an end, the spirit of microfiction continues. Keep writing, keep sharing, and keep making every word count. The end of Microfiction Monday Magazine is not the end of your storytelling journey.

While the magazine will no longer publish new content, our website will remain accessible for those who wish to revisit past stories.

In closing, thank you for being an integral part of Microfiction Monday Magazine. Here’s to all the stories that were, and all those yet to be written.

Warmest regards,

Gayle Towell

Founder, Microfiction Monday Magazine

7 responses

  1. So sorry to hear this. Thanks for all the great micros and best wishes for the future.

  2. Best to you, Gayle. Microfiction Monday Magazine was a great little site. You will be missed.

  3. David M Wallace | Reply

    Thank-you, Gayle, for your hard work and dedication!

  4. Best to you in the future.

  5. Very sorry to hear the news, Gayle, especially since the work you put up was so often vibrant, arresting, and different from the prose poetry that so often masquerades as microfiction.

    Two questions:

    Will the site archive remain up, or should I see if I can take screenshots of the pieces of mine that you published?

    I’ve been supporting MMM, albeit (sorry) at a small sum, for some time. Will that charge automatically go away?

    Best, David

  6. Thankyou, Gayle! You published a story of mine several years ago and got me interested

  7. Geraint Williams | Reply

    Such a great magazine. Will be sorely missed. All the very best to you Gayle.

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